Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why This Blog is Here.

So, a little bit of background before I go any further. I'm a recent convert to the pet rat club. A friend of mine moving out of state couldn't keep her ratties, so I inherited a beautiful pair of girls named Goose and Scout. In the few months I've had them, I've fallen in love!

My girls! That's Goose on the left, Scout on the right.

I've joined the Pet Rat community on reddit (Rattit) and find myself just browsing the internet for pictures of other people's ratties. They're just so cute!

What I find weird though is people's fear of rodents. Many a musophobe (fear of mice and rats, as you could ascertain) have been converted to musophiles after meeting Goose and Scout. That's why I wanted to make this blog, to show people how great rats are! I want to post information and links to show how awesome these furry friends are. Plus rat pictures, pictures are a great enough reason to love rats!

I must also make this disclaimer: I am in no way a certified expert on pet rats. I'm not a breeder or a scientist, only a rat owner, and a relatively new one at that. I will do my best to cite the information I post to reliable sources, to actual experts.

I hope you enjoy!


  1. Congratulations on being a recent convert to the Rat World! They are so much fun. Me, my husband and 7 year old son have a great time with our little fellas. They are responsible for LOTS and LOTS of side splitting laughter in our home. We like to feature "special guests" on our blog. Let us know if you pals ever want to make an appearance. Have fun with Goose and Scout!

    Here's our blog:


  2. I love your blog so far! We are also rattie lovers :-) We have had our two older girls (Leeloo and Dahlia) for a little while, and just adopted two more baby ratlets (Tachi and Toph). They have been wonderful friends to us and lifted our spirits in some of the worst of times!
